Casa Bem-Estar Casa Bem-Estar
Casa Bem-Estar Casa Bem-Estar


  • client

  • project

    Casa Bem-Estar
  • year

  • location

    Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil
  • architecture

    Lucia Lisboa Arquitetura Médico-Hospitalar
  • photography

    Marcelo Donadussi
  • description

    This is a Unimed environment housing the Preventive Medicine division of Cooperativa that invites people of all ages to participate in a variety of well-being programs. Our goal was to ensure that the space reflected this welcoming aspect.

    References to the Núcleo Unifácil project were conveyed subtly in the shapes of elements. However, the colors that identify each prevention program were the strongest links, and with this we helped to create a more lively Wayfinding system.

    Modular forms and long strips of colored adhesive elements were used to represent the stages of life and the passage of time. These lead the visitor to the various environments of the Casa Bem Estar and help create a cozy atmosphere.