Dimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos Dimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos
Dimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos Dimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos


  • client

    Grupo DIMED
  • project

    Dimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos
  • year

  • location

    Eldorado do Sul / RS / Brazil
  • architecture

    Pedro Simch Arquitetura and Sousa e Guerra Arquitetura
  • photography

    Marcelo Donadussi
  • description

    For Grupo Dimed, the construction of these headquarters marked the beginning of a phase of investing in the upgrade of the logistics for their pharmacy chain. This project was developed to house all equipment for the logistics and distribution of commercial products, as well as an administrative building and other employee services.

    Taking into account the dimensions of the project and the circulation of heavy trucks in the distribution center, we decided to work with robust parts in the external environments, and easy-to-maintain elements inside.

    We divided environments into two colors: distribution center in orange, and entrances, administration and support buildings in blue. This organization reflects the spaces and functions of different groups across the site.