Unimed Shopping Total Unimed Shopping Total
Unimed Shopping Total Unimed Shopping Total


  • client

  • project

    Unimed Shopping Total
  • year

  • location

    Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil
  • architecture

    Lucia Lisboa Arquitetura Médico-Hospitalar
  • photography

    Marcelo Donadussi
  • description

    The Unimed Shopping Total clinic gained a new life after a renovation that brought in even more services, technology and well-being practices for their patients. Glimpsing this 1911 building from the outside, it is impossible to imagine the contemporary environment it contains.

    Wayfinding Design is a bold presence here. In addition to the full complement of signage conforming to nationwide Unimed standards, a playful ambiance was achieved through design.

    Drawn from a pattern based on the lines of the brand, birds, windmills, boats and planes sweep through several environments in colors that dispel children’s fear and spark the imagination of adults.